
Have you searched anything on the search engine and feel that you really want to shop something from that particular website? You might have visited that website's homepage but it seems that it is taking much time to get load. Visitors are always I hurry they do not have time to wait until your website pages are been loaded therefore they leave the website that is taking more than expected time. Do your website pages get loads faster? Do you face the same problem with your pages? If you are facing the same problem then you must follow these 5 things to minimize the loading time and increase conversion rate.

Check size of your website images

Images are the best elements on your website. With images, you can enhance the look of your website. Plus your web pages will look appealing and attractive with a good amount of images. The main problem with images is the total amount of time required to load the images. Charts, images, and other multimedia content take much time to get load because it utilized more space and bandwidth. Because of large files and content, your visitors need to wait for a long time even if they have high-speed internet connections.

The best method to keep your website beautiful and attractive is to use some compressor tool to optimize the images. Using these tools you will make sure that your website is looking pretty as well as taking less time to get loaded. These compressor tools are created to work more efficiently with CSS, JavaScript and HTML images. You can give a try on a page which is taking much time to load. You will find the difference between both.

Choose or build a WordPress web theme that is fully optimized for SEO

Other than that issue the problem might be because of the theme. The theme you are using might be created only for desktop versions, not for mobile and tablet devices. Now a day’s most of the people look for goods and services via mobile phone rather than the desktop computer. Even people love to read the blog on their personal phones. If your website is optimized for only a large device then the page would require more time to get a load on small devices such as mobile phones? It does not matter whether you are using shared or dedicated hosting. Hence your traffic will get away from your website.

So what is the solution over it? This is the high time to redesign your website with WordPress web themes you should build or purchase a WordPress theme that is fully responsive and SEO friendly for every kind of browsers and devices. This kind of website will get load faster on every kind of device you can even customize this theme as you want. Each and every element will look good.

Examine broken links or errors

Why resolve errors and find the broken links? Whenever you change the permalink the broken links get encountered. Broken links also get generated when you build a new domain name then transfer the content from the previous one to the new one. After when a user tries to visit those pages they get broken links or 404 error pages. Actually these links can harm your website and SEO ranking badly.

Find and resolve the duplicate script

Do you think that duplicate script can be more problematic for you? Yes, it can raise some issues on your website. The website code can have a similar or duplicate code for CSS and JavaScript. These duplicate codes get problems in HTTPS request which can increase the loading time 2 times more.


These are some important steps to improve website speed and performance. Just give a try you will find that this article is more useful that will make your blog or a website loads faster and increase the page rankings.

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