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Authors Talk About It interviews author June Bliss about the novel Starfish Street. Listen in to the podcast at http://authorstalkaboutit.podbean.com/e/starfish-street. Perhaps you will pick up on a few tricks of a creative mind at work.

Starfish Street tells the story of a cynical art school graduate who is spiritually inspired while experiencing a small beach town on the coast of Oregon. The story was originally developed while Bliss lived in Oregon and took day trips to the captivating coast. She is happy to share stories of the scenic coastline with the masses.

Bliss began her career working in television animation production at Nickelodeon. While there, as a member of the original crew on SpongeBob SquarePants she was pleased to be given the opportunity to be a contributing writer on the Arrgh! episode. With the desire to focus on writing she took to freelancing in order to have more time to write in between jobs.

Starfish Street is currently available for purchase on smashwords.com (https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/563324?ref=visionsofbliss), barnesandnoble.com (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/starfish-street-june-bliss/1122410211), amazon.com (http://amzn.to/1oI29kP) and several other online retailers. You can keep up with Visions of Bliss at www.visionsofbliss.biz and click through to follow along on social media. Check it out to see where inspirational stories come to life!

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Monday, 02 May 2016